The Buckeyes have clinched the Leaders Division Championship and will play in the Big Ten Championship game on Saturday, Dec. 7. Be loud, be proud at the Alumni Association-sponsored tailgate before the game against Michigan State. This is the only gathering in Indianapolis exclusively for Buckeyes; so join Archie Griffin, TBDBITL, Brutus and the cheerleaders, and other university guests for this special event.
Bash-only tickets are available for this free event. You do not have to be an alumnus or member of the Alumni Association to attend.
Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013
Bash: 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Pan Am Plaza - One block from Lucas Oil Stadium
201 S. Capitol Ave.
on the corner of Georgia and Illinois Sts.
Indianapolis, IN 46225
Map and Parking
Entrance to the Bash is free. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
Details and Registration
Be sure to register by Wednesday, Dec. 4, to be entered in our drawing for this framed photograph celebrating the Buckeyes' 12-0 season in 2012 as well as a football autographed by Archie Griffin.
Friday: Check out the Buckeye Happy Hour on Friday evening at Champps at Circle Centre Mall from 6 to 9 p.m. The Greater Indianapolis Alumni Club is hosting in partnership with the Alumni Association.
Saturday: Make a day of it, beginning with the free Meijer Tail Greater Party before the Bash and the Big Ten Fan Fest afterward to see the band and cheerleaders perform at 6 p.m. (free with game ticket). Visit for details.
Please call 800-762-5646.
