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Fall 2010 Newsletter


From the President……

I would like to give a big thank you to all of our Buckeye Alumni and Buckeyes fans who attended our events in 2009 and 2010 and that continue to participate in club events today.  It takes great fans to continue to build and maintain a great club.   The Greater Indianapolis Club has existed since 1974.   I am proud to say we have a great group of club members. 

Our club has been able to accomplish many great things over the past years that we are very proud of.  We have established a scholarship endowment fund; a website that has continued to evolve; automate our member communication through email and automated our member list; golf outings raising money for Dan Potokars family and the scholarship endowment fund; collect food for the needy on numerous occasions; contribute to the Stephanie Spielman Cancer Foundation; planned many outrageously fun tailgate parties at IU, Purdue and IL, attended the Alumni Leaders Conference for over 10 years;  made over 200 Buckeye necklaces to raise money for the scholarship endowment fund; hold monthly board meetings; wine tastings; Indian game events; Fever events; sponsored a table at the Basketball Player of the Year 2010 event;  just to name a few. 

We would not have been able to accomplish any of this without dedicated members like you.  If you do not have the time to donate for these events we hope to see many of our members step up to the plate and make contributions to the endowment fund.  I spoke with the endowment coordinator at OSU and he stated that anyone who is a Buckeye Club or Presidents Club member can direct their donations to our endowment fund.  Our goal is to continue to give scholarships to Indiana students going to OSU but at greater levels than we have done in the past.  We cannot do it without our members help.  So if you are currently making contributions to OSU on a regular basis please direct your contributions to our clubs endowment fund for 2010.   There is a direct link on the Indy Buckeyes website for you to make the contribution.   This will help us get to our goal of $50,000 before the end of 2011.  But we need your help.  With the tuition and room and board increasing each year for our future Buckeyes it is becoming harder and harder to encourage Indiana students to attend The Ohio State University.  Our contribution can help.

We had a great time at the annual picnic last August and we are hoping for a great turn to this year.  We had over 110 Buckeyes in attendance at my house.  There were Cornhole contests, jumpy tent fun, lots of great food and of course the great Buckeye atmosphere.   We provided the scholarship winners with their scholarship certificates, buckeye necklaces, Frisbees and a great sense of Buckeye community wherever they go.

The board has made a decision to take our website to the next level and change website providers.  We will be able to renew membership online, purchase tickets, allow professional sponsors, post special events and outings, post game watch bonus features, plan events on an ongoing calendar, recruit and much more.  You will be able to keep your information up to date to make sure you are receiving the most recent Buckeye news.   As we continue to build the site we are looking for new Buckeye pictures.  Please keep in mind they will be viewed by thousands of site browsers.  The club members also made food drive and clothing donations to Gleaners Food bank and the Wheeler Mission.  Thank you to all that contributed to these groups. 

The OSU Indy Alumni Club wants to have more volunteers to plan events that may interest you.  Annual white water rafting trips, euchre tournaments, wine tastings, young buckeye outings, networking events, movie night, running club, canoeing trips, etc…  If you have a special interest that you would like other buckeyes to engage in please let us know.  The calendar on the website will be able to hold and post all events.  We encourage and welcome new ideas and energy.

The mission for the club is to have fun, continue to build an ever growing Buckeye family in Indy, provide scholarships for local students and offer community services.  We have a goal to be in the Top 10 Clubs of all of the Ohio State Alumni Clubs around the country.  With our wonderful and involved members, I am confident that we can get there.

GO Bucks!  Christine Zweber Konvolinka, Club President